Pick Up the Mala: Just a couple of moments, yeah, right, before you pick up your mala, to make everything, outside and inside, totally poised for a complete experience of meditation.
Find a Quiet Place: Somewhere you cannot be disturbed: A sacred area, a quiet room, or even a lovely corner of your garden: secure and inviting.
Set the Scene: Darken the room as much as possible, or use natural sunlight; you might light a candle or incense and throw out a cushion or yoga mat on the floor. You can even make use of a very gentle and calming background music or nature sounds that will actually help settle down your disposition.
Set Intention. Ask yourself: What do I want this practice for? You may want to cultivate peace within, clarity, or maybe just become kinder to yourself. Formulate that in your mind. A very simple act of doing this makes your meditation instrumental and specific.
Release Tensions: Sitting in total comfort, on the floor or chair, spine erect but relaxed, shoulder free and jaws unclenched, taking up a few deep breaths by the nose, and forcefully through the mouth releasing, as tension disappears into the thin air.
Holding Your Mala Beads
For instance, holding the mala correctly would make it a great length in your treasurer.